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About This Blog

Welcome To Our Cups2Go Blog!

We Are A Growing Team Of Entrepreneurs From All Walks Of Life
- Thus Making This Journey A Very Enriching Experience For All Of Us.
We Have Very Experienced And Successful Team Members Mentoring Beginners.
We Also Have Beginners Introducing Fresh Insights By Way Of Questions, Suggestions, And More. We Just Love The Creative Energy That Goes Back And Forth Between Us!

May This Blog Reflect And Preserve In Print-Photo-Audio-Video The Dynamics Of Such Growth. As We All Grow Together, May This Also Serve As A Wonderful Aid In Facilitating New Beginnings And Fruitful Growth Among Those Who Come After And Alongside Us.

First Things First... Let's Get Connected.
We Are Building Healthy Relationships Here Because It Is The Foundation For Growing Teams. Please Connect With Us Through:

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The Cups2Go Rewards
    We incorporated this feature to make your blog visits, comments, likes, shares and recommendations, chats, more rewarding. Each time you interact with this blog, as well as our Cups2Go facebook page, you will be rewarded with points that translates into rewards, loyalty incentives, and achievement bonuses! Familiarize yourself with our blog and look out for the sections with the "red ribbon" on them. Click on them and get your rewards! Go!

How To Use And Benefit From This Blog!

For Cups2Go Business Promotion
    Copy-Paste-Share this blog's url address, and let your family, friends, acquaintances know about this business opportunity. Our Cups2Go Community Chat feature also provides viral opportunity for you to invite your social network contacts to check the business out, listen in on scheduled training chats, or simply build friendship with C2G team mates who are also on chat.

For Cups2Go Business Introduction And Orientation
    This blog is designed to provide helpful business introduction and orientation for anyone interested. Either this person has just heard about the opportunity, or is someone whom you are personally referring to the opportunity, this blog will attempt to show an overview - in text, charts, photos, videos, and more. This is not intended to replace the need for person-person exchange, rather this should serve as a catalyst, a reference point, an illustration, a bridge towards more meaningful connections and conversations. We also have scheduled orientations via our Cups2Go Community chat feature. As you log in to the chat, you have the option to invite your other social network contacts to join in and learn along.

For Cups2Go Business Training
    No one knows everything, but each one knows something. This blog will be an avenue for sharing and a tool for team business growth. Valuable training is given to everyone who are serious about growing their business.

    A Step-by-Step Getting Started Guide is provided for ease and efficiency.

    Continuous Training for Growth will also be periodically made available by those who have done this and that and succeeded. You only have all things to gain if you commit yourself to learning these and applying them into your unique business context. Don't miss out on scheduled trainings via our Cups2Go Community Chat.

    Ideas and Strategies will also be made available by those who have tried various approaches and made well.

    Testimonials of Experiences from our growing business team will also prove to be a gold mine in this enterprise.