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Cups2Go Testimonial: Nemuel Danuco

I am Nemuel Danuco, 32 years old, a music teacher, a family man. My wife and I have been praying for a business that could somehow aid in our finances, specially that my wife had to quit her work to watch over our young child.  We wanted a business that would not require a great amount of time. We have ventured in various businesses, joining in trade fairs and bazaars, selling RTWs (ready to wear) for children and adults. We have gained profit but the demands for such commodities are only seasonal.

Just few months ago, a friend introduced me to a franchising business branded as Cups2Go, a vendo machine selling hot chocolate and coffee. I randomly told my wife about it and she then expressed interest. We attended the seminar and before we realized it, we are already in the business, enjoying each day of it! For a minimal start-up capital of P27, 500, we are given an opportunity to earn, requiring only few minutes of our time each day.

As we continued with the business, we have further grasped and understood another side of it that has pleased us even more. As much as it seemed effortless to sell the hot beverages to adults and even children alike, selling the business itself was as easy. In no time we had friends asking about the opportunity and they too expressed aspiration to try it out. With every successful sign up (friends signing up as franchisees), we are rewarded a certain percentage from every purchase of supplies (powder mixes) they make. This means, on top of our gained profit from our sales through our vendo machine, we get bonuses and royalties from the company along with our business partners (downlines). 

To date, we have 6 direct downlines who are also building their own franchise businesses and groups. My wife and I have committed ourselves to help them grow their own businesses.  As we have been helped in recent past, we extend the same blessing to others, knowing how they are greatly benefitting from this too. We understand how hard times are these days, and being able to lead others to something that truly helps gives added fulfillment in this journey. We just want to praise and thank God for this opportunity. God used Cups2Go to bless our family!